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广东文理职业学院 http://www.gdwlxy.cn

所在地:广东 性质:民办院校 校园地址:广东省湛江市廉江开发区78号 隶属: 类型:综合 学校电话:0759-6655555




千亩“生态园林式”校园 ,依山傍水,环境优雅,文化底蕴浓厚,常年绿树成荫,四季繁花飘香,威武将军山、俏丽日月湖把校园点缀得绚丽多姿。学院建筑面积30多万平方米,拥有现代化的教学大楼、图书馆、行政大楼、设备先进的实训大楼、高标准的学生公寓、高校示范性餐饮中心、高标准的艺术馆,网球场、羽毛球馆、乒乓球馆、室内外篮球场、排球场等各类大型的体育场馆,遍布全院的校园信息化宽带网络。基础设施按20000人的办学规模配套建设,为学生提供了一个舒适的学习、生活环境。



学院秉承“以人为本,以德施教”的教育管理理念,2006年以来分别获得“全国文明单位”、 “军民共建社会主义精神文明先进单位”等国家级荣誉和“广东省文明单位”、 “广东省军民共建先进单位”、湛江市“安全文明校园”、“园林式单位”等荣誉,连年被省、市评为“社会治安综合治理先进单位”。



About GIAS

The Guangdong Institute of Arts and Sciences (GIAS) is a full-time post-secondary institution of higher learning, that's approved by the Guangdong Provincial Government, and recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

GIAS is located in Zhanjiang, which is a southern coastal city of Mainland China, being one of the industrial cities of the Beibu Gulf. GIAS faces one of China's most beautiful waterfronts on the Jiuzhou River, is surrounded by the Jiangjun Mountains and Lake Riyue. The campus covers 300,000 square meters, and is known for its vast ecological garden-style, which serves as an ideal place for teaching, learning and research, suitable for such an institute of higher learning.

As supporting 20,000 students, the campus boasts having all of the best university resources, including: a modernized Student Activity Centre, a Practical Training Centre, a fully facilitated Gymnasium, a Library Information Centre, differently designed Study Halls, a Laboratory building and spacious, as well as comfortable Student Apartments. As a primary commitment and enhancement to student learning, GIAS supports (Wi-Fi) wireless network access, in many areas across campus. GIAS departments of Humanities, Finance, Management, Foreign Language, Arts and Media, Architectural Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Information Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, offer programs in Literature, Science, Engineering, Economics, Management, and Law; and these academic programs consist of 28 majors that establish a foundation that allows students to explore the depths of 58 unique academic directions.

Presently, the campus is home to more than 6,800 undergraduate students and 728 faculty and staff. It has a teaching staff of 325, among whom 38% are full or associate professors and 53% are Master's or Doctoral degree holders. In addition, GIAS employ's visiting professors and long-term foreign experts from the United States, Britain and Canada. Each year, we invite specialists and scholars both from Mainland China and abroad to partake in academic exchange positions.
In this outstanding environment, members of faculty and staff build up a strong team which strives to help all students in discovering, learning, and looking forward. With program offerings ranging from the Arts to the Sciences, GIAS is committed to facilitating student access to university education, combining the career benefits of an applied approach with opportunities for community-orientation at the undergraduate level. GIAS earned a good reputation for its paramilitary management, and comfortably safe campus.

Many students take advantage of GIAS's great learning option to study abroad. GIAS partner's with institutions outside of China to deliver collaborated study programs. These programs are designed to give students new opportunities to complete segments of their studies in a different country. Our accredited partner-institutions include: the University of Ulster (England), Holy Spirit University of Ecuador, and INTI International University (Malaysia). Students gain enriched experiences through such programs, fulfilling their dreams for travel.

Enhancing practical training, and urging the balance of academic and practical intelligence are not only fundamental to all programs offered by GIAS, but a guaranteed 98% and over employment rate after graduation is also of chief importance. What we offer is an education where people can develop good skills and attitudes for career success, gaining the abilities to accomplish further successes in life after graduation.

The Guangdong Institute of Arts and Sciences expects great vision and achievement from its students as they assume responsibility for their future and that of the world around them. And it provides the fullest opportunity, encouragement and help to meet these challenges, and more. Think Forward, and Lift Your Dreams with GIAS!